
總第161期 2020年4月 上一期 下一期

第八版 寰球天下


Kindness and Love Prevail

寧波華外高中部 黃玲麗

The movie 'It's a wonderful life 'filmed in the 1940s. Even though the wheel of generation keeps rolling forward, the movie is still well worth watching. A classic is a classic, after all.
Released just after the WWII, the film was once confirmed as a "prohibited film", because it implied the decay of capitalism and the anti-social spirit of love and positive energy. In this movie, both the residents and George's family became better people and led a better life due to George's benevolence. 
In the current real world, even we students are forced to think of the reality. Many of us even look down on the so-called ridiculous and unrealistic Utopian love and kindness, aimlessly chasing the profits.
In fact, almost all of us have had the same doubts about ourselves: immersing ourselves in thinking about our self-worth or questioning our own existence. Though having neither luxurious wealth nor high status, George was enclosed with endless appreciation and love. No matter where you are, please save some time to look back on the truth, the goodness and the beauty behind you, around you and within you!