
總第151期 2019年4月 上一期 下一期

第八版 師之有道

My Hero我的英雄

寧波華外初中部201班 陳嘉怡

        Everyone has a hero in their heart. It might be a person or an animal. Anyway, they might have a story for us to listen.
        My hero is like any other Chinese, a very common man. But he is great in some way. That is his warmth and help passed to plenty of people. His name is Lei Feng. He was born in a poor family in 1940. His hometown is the same as Chairman, Mao Zedong's, Hunan. Unluckily, He only lived to be 22 years old.
        I wonder why such a kind person died so early. He once said, “Everybody has only one life. But I will help others throughout my limited life.” So to remember him, China decide to make March 5th as Lei Feng Day. 
        Why do people try to remember him? Is it because of his help? Not only because of his help, but also he has become a part of Chinese culture. Being ready to help others is one of Chinese traditional virtues. Lei has set a good example for us. I learn a good lesson of “HELP” from Lei Feng. And I will keep on helping others like him.



下一條:Ordinary Heroes平凡的英雄