
總第131期 2017年4月 上一期 下一期

第八版 寰球天地

A Unique Experience


寧波華外初中部807班 楊軼超


This trip was a unique experience for me. It taught me that we are not supposed to let“give up”be part of our vocabulary.

The first game began and we won. But the second one was harmful to our team. The rules of the game were sending out one person each team to play “Ro Sham Bo”, and the loser's team should take off one board from the total amount--15.  And all the persons' feet were required to put on the board. But what surprised me was that all of our teammates did everything possible to come up with all the ideas to be in face of the difficulties. And we also inspired each other. The fat guys made the effort to hold us. And it could save some space.We all used to believe that we would lose the game as a certain result. But eventually we won.


(指導(dǎo)老師 任幼娜)

