My Dear Mother
【編者按】When we are happy, we can share the happiness with her. When we are upset, we can say everything to her. Mother gives everything to us. So dear mother is the most important person in the world forever.
At the age of five, I remember that I was ill seriously at that time. I got a bad cold and had a fever. My mother took good care of me instead of going to work. At seven in the afternoon, I still felt bad and my mother took me to the hospital. At half past eleven, I went to bed and fell asleep. However, my mother sat beside me and stayed the whole night. The next morning, I woke up and saw my mother sitting beside me. I was deeply moved by my tired mother and I cried.
寧波華外初中部203班 蔡高鑫
The most impressive thing I remember is one of my birthdays. She asked me “What gifts do you want?” “Don’t bother me when I am playing” I said angrily. I played with my friends all day and played computer games at my friends’ home in the evening. When it was 9 o’ clock, I found that I had missed five calls which were from my mother. When I got home, my mother gave me the birthday cake she bought for me and celebrated my birthday. But I didn’t say “thank you” to my mother. I felt sorry.
寧波華外初中部202班 段驎方宇
In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. My mother and I are the closest. I remember once, I hurt my knee by accident, my mother was angry and sad, she helped me bandage it and said, “I told you to be careful. Does it still hurt? Next time you must listen to me. Do not wrestle.” I realized I made a mistake, so I said sorry to my mother immediately. I knew she loved me from the bottom of her heart.
寧波華外初中部201 班 應曉諾
My mother cares about me. I remember last year, on a rainy day, I didn’t have an umbrella. So after school, I stayed at school to wait until the rain stopped, but all of a sudden, I saw my mother running to me. She took an umbrella, and looked worried. I froze for a moment, and didn’t know what to say. A warm stream poured all over my body. If you have not experienced it, you’ll never realize the wonderful feeling when a person cares about you.
寧波華外初中部201 班 張璨