
總第130期 2017年3月 上一期 下一期

第八版 寰球天地



There appeared many films during the winter vacation, and I also saw some. One of them that impressed me most is called Duckweed directed by Han Han.

Xu Sanlang, a car racer, is acted by Deng Cao. But his father was against him, for which he hated his father. When he grew up, he won the championship to prove himself. And he was showing his father that a racer should be always extremely careful when he ran into a train. They went into a coma(昏厥).

However, Xu Sanlang entered another world where his father was a young man and he met his mother he had never seen before. He joined his father’s gang with a group of his friends to protect the town. His father killed someone accidentally to avenge(為……報仇). Then he got to know why his father was in prison for six years. At that moment, he woke up and knew his father better.

This movie is great, because it is not only interesting, but also meaningful, showing us true love between father and son, and, brotherhood of the young people. From this movie, I believe that everyone is worth a visit.

《乘風破浪》由韓寒導演,鄧超和彭于晏等主演的一部青春片。賽車手阿浪(鄧超 飾)一直對父親(彭于晏 飾)反對自己的賽車事業(yè)耿耿于懷,在向父親證明自己的過程中,阿浪卻意外卷入了一場奇妙的冒險。他在這段經(jīng)歷中結識了一群兄弟好友,一同闖過許多奇幻的經(jīng)歷,也對自己的身世有了更多的了解。


(寧波華外高中部409班 吳越劍)