Great significance should be attached to understanding our parents’ love and rewarding them.
Undoubtedly, we are now facing a serious situation worthy of analysis. Today, most families have only one child. As a result, parents tend to satisfy all their children’s requirements. Therefore, those children regard parents’ love as obligation, taking it for granted.
From my perspective, it is high time that we should change this condition. Great significance should be attached to understanding our parents’ love and rewarding them. Hopefully, our efforts will pay off.(寧波華外 宋昊)
it is high time that we should express our thanks to them for everything they’ve done for us.
Someone may think that no intentional appreciation is needed in parent-kid relationships. Sometimes they can be too shy. What causes this is that they may take their parents’ love for granted, unaware of the essence of reward.
Personally, I hold that such simple words as “thanks” could bring a mellow sweetness to our beloved ones. Apparently, it is high time that we should express our thanks to them for everything they’ve done for us.(寧波華外 何希)
It’s time to do a wealth of things for them and say a load of words to parents.
Nowadays many children take their parents’ love and care for granted. Actually they shoulder the responsibility to guide us to a bright future. But the young haven’t shown enough respect and recognition. More often than not, it is lack of mutual communication and understanding that account for this case.
As far as I’m concerned, a world means nothing without appreciation. Getting older and wiser, we can do a wealth of things for them and say a load of words to them to repay our parents. It’s time!(寧波華外 嚴旭成)
we’re supposed to appreciate what they have done and thank them whether appreciation is due.
Doubtlessly, we share the opinion that we’re the apple of the parents’ eye and stand for their dream. And parents should do their utmost to spare the difficulties in our daily life to pave the way. Besides, we are sometimes to shy too show our appreciation though finding it necessary.
Frankly, we can’t take our parents’ love for granted. They’re the people who love us just for who we are, regardless of fame or fortune. They deserve our respect. Therefore, we’re supposed to appreciate what they have done and thank them whether appreciation is due.(寧波華外 陳紫荊)
It’s an unshakable duty for us to make our parents rewarded for we allow them a debt of gratitude.
The phenomenon claims such reasons as follows. Evidently, some, enjoying unconditional parental love, end up lacking the sense of appreciation. With so much homework to do, some neglect the direct expression of thanks. And some may feel too shy or unwilling to show recognition for the sake of generation gap.
To my mind, it’s an unshakable duty for us to make our parents rewarded for we allow them a debt of gratitude. So I take it natural and necessary to do it before it is too late.(寧波華外 羅釵榮)